Education and Information Department
Education and Information Department
The PTGWO its local affiliates provide contribution to a Special Research and Educational Fund for the purpose of conducting a continuing year around education program and seminars for the benefit of members of the Organization.
The National Leadership believes that education is the key empowers its affiliates and makes them self-reliant and effective in the advancement of the rights and welfare of our members. The education and training of our members is the primordial concern of the Education and Research Department which is under supervision of Ms. Rosalinda A. Manabat.
This Department is currently conducting basic week-end seminars at the workplaces. This activity introduces to our members new concepts or issues for their information and enlightenment. This is also an avenue to discuss union problems at the factory level. The Department has sponsored and co-sponsored various trainings and seminars.

On 7 October 2013, the World Day for Decent Work, IndustriALL Global Union is calling on all its affiliates to mobilize their members and join the global fight to STOP Precarious Work.
Unions are pushing against this tide by organizing precarious workers, fighting laws that expand precarious work and mobilizing in support of secure employment with good pay and working conditions.

The PTGWO Education Committee conducted a grievance machinery workshop for Mangagawa ng Nestle Lipa Factory Inc. -PTGWO at Los Banos, Laguna on May 18-19, 2023.
The workshop was headed by National Secretary, Darius M. Guerrero, with Atty. Melgen Sarra, the federation’s new legal officer, and Noel Coquia Union President of Interpack Packaging Employees Union-PTGWO
Training Resources
Under Construction